Rebuilt SQL table and now web form doesn’t work [closed]

I changed a column in a SQL table from NVARCHAR(250) to NVARCHAR(MAX). I have a web form that creates a connection to said table and displays the table data in a web form. Since the SQL table change, the particular column no longer shows the data from the DB table for that column ONLY. It still shows all the other details.

Also, if I use the same web form to make a change to the SQL table, the change is saved in SQL. So it communicates OK, but just doesn’t display the table’s value.

It was working fine until I changed the column’s properties. No other change was made to the column – the column title is still the same.

This is the code for getting the column data in the web form:

        <td align=Center><%if IsNull(rs("Application")) or rs("Application")="" Then response.write "-"  else response.write rs("Application") end if%></td>

But the form sees the column as NULL and enters only the dash as designed, even though that column is not null.

enter image description here